The Role of Deaerators in Industrial Applications

Many industries will use a deaerator within their applications. There are a number of different designs, which is why a company will work with a deaerator supplier to find the best equipment to meet their needs.
The Role
Ultimately, the role of a deaerator is to remove dissolved gases from feedwater. It will protect the system from the effects of gases, which can produce a significant amount of corrosion. The concentration of dissolved oxygen is reduced, as well as carbon dioxide, in order to minimize the corrosion levels.
Various Designs
Working with a deaerator supplier is critical to learn about the various designs. One machine may work more effectively than another based on the materials they are working with or the quantities. There are double shell tray deaerators, horizontal heater tray deaerators, and more. Working with a supplier will make it easier to learn about the pros and cons of … Read more